How Sleep Can Impact Musical Creativity

Sleep, then perform. Although dedicated musicians commonly practice well into the night, lack of sleep adversely affects musical creativity. Sleep deprivation directly impacts a musician’s ability for mental recall, acquisition of information, and consolidation of data received. For a musician, brain function is crucial to creating music, playing precisely, and engaging with fellow performers. Here are four tips to improve and regulate sleep for aspiring musicians.

Establish a Routine

Set a regular bedtime and stick to it. Regulating sleep helps the brain rest, which improves mental clarity. In order to have the best possible jam sessions, musicians must focus on the music. Memorizing notes and corresponding words is a mental workout. The brain’s neurons struggle after sleep deprivation. An artist simply isn’t effective and productive without resting the brain properly. Choosing to show up to practice and performances as the best possible musician involves remaining disciplined about sleep time.

Stay Positive

Maintain a positive attitude. Overall musicians tend to have higher instances of insomnia than the rest of the population. Performing while tired is a bummer. Moody musicians can affect the vibe of the entire band or musical group. Focused and intentional practice is demanding. For a sleepy artist, music is hard work that leaves the mind and body drained. Go to bed early and set the alarm clocks to make sure that the body is rested. Then, rise at an appropriate hour ready for the best performance yet.

Boost the Immune System

Improve immune function. Musicians can’t perform if they are sick. Staying up late takes a toll on the body. According to recent studies, people who sleep well can fight off illnesses easier, like the common cold or flu virus. While sleeping, the body releases cytokines, a protein from the immune system, which fights infections. Trading an extra few hours in bed to avoid a few days at home not playing music is a no brainer.

Get it Right

Perform the music correctly the first time. Unfortunately, sleep deprivation causes clumsiness and fatigue. An all-nighter is hardly worth missing notes and cues the next day. Recall, acquisition, and consolidation are vital for memory function. Chronic sleep deprivation may even impair a musician’s ability to make sound decisions and plan. Coordinated, exceptional music takes time, attention, practice, and focus. Losing sleep to practice may have an adverse outcome.

A successful musician dedicates hours to his or her craft. Plan accordingly to ensure that practice doesn’t interfere with a good night’s sleep. After all, practice makes perfect. However, sleep improves brain function for artists to create the best music.